Apps & Game Development

As the most popular category of app, games have the potential to reach an incredible number of users. Whether passing a few minutes with a casual puzzle or getting engrossed in an interactive storyline, mobile device users love games. Virtu Information Technologies is leading among mobile game development companies,  bringing expertise to both desktop and mobile projects. Our engineers and artists use Unity, Maya, Corona, Cocos2D, and many other industry-leading tools to create the best gaming experience.

Games offer several alternatives for monetization. The simplest is the pay-to-download model, in which a user pays a certain amount to download the game initially. Much more common now is the in-app purchase model; with this strategy, the game itself is free, but special powers, additional vehicles, and other extras can be bought within the game. Finally, a free game can be supported by advertising. Contact us and we’ll connect you with our best game app developers at Virtu Information Technologies to advise you about all your options.

Unity Game Development

HTML 5 Game Development

2D & 3D Game Development

Serious Game Development

Application Gamification

Game Center Integration

How we can help you?

Contact us at Virtu Information Technologies office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

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